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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 922 Oro Valley, Arizona

Weather Policy

AYSO Area 12A adheres to the AYSO National Guidelines on severe weather.  According to these Guidelines, thunder and lightning are treated in THE EXACT SAME MANNER.  Our first concern in the presence of lightning is the safety of our players and families. Heat and Dust Storms are also persistent severe weather conditions common in our region.  If thunder is heard or lightning strikes within 10 miles, all players, coaches, parents, and refs should evacuate the field immediately to their cars and stay off the field until lightning has left the 10 miles radius or thunder is no longer heard. Restart games after no thunder has been heard for 30 minutes or lightning is more than 10 miles away. The key ingredient that defines a thunderstorm is lightning. Since lightning creates thunder, a storm with lightning is called a thunderstorm. Lightning causes thunder. Therefore, anytime thunder can be heard, the danger of lightning is real, whether you can see it or not.  Although the flash of lightning and resulting thunder occur at essentially the same time, light travels at 186,000 miles in a second, almost a million times the speed of sound. Sound travels at the relatively snail pace of one-fifth of a mile in the same time. Thus the flash, if not obscured by clouds, is seen before the thunder is heard. By counting the seconds between the flash and the thunder and dividing by "5", an estimate of the distance to the strike (in miles) can be made.

Please use this link for more information about lightning safety:

Regional Commissioners or their designees, including Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator or referees, will have the authority, as so designated, to delay the start of play, call a halt in play or suspend/terminate a game due to severe weather conditions.  Coaches are responsible for cancelling practices.  

(a)    Many communities and parks systems have lightning detection and tornado warning systems in place. Obey the rules established by the community. When storm warning technology indicates severe weather danger, cease all field activities and seek shelter immediately.

(b)   Know how to use the warning systems in place and heed all warnings even if you are told there is a possibility of a false alarm.

(c)    When thunder is heard it is within striking distance. – seek shelter immediately. Do not wait for the rain to start before seeking shelter, and do not leave shelter just because the rain has ended. Enact the safety plan now!

(d)   Restart games after no thunder has been heard for 30 minutes, or if there is a warning system in place, the community ALL CLEAR SIREN has been sounded.

(e)   Area 12A will not promote any weather app or detection system. Area 12A will highly suggest that a system is used on the field during training and matches. Lighting within 12 miles is dangerous. Evacuate fields immediately if lightning is within this range.

Dust Storm/Haboob

Thunderstorms frequently produce strong downward rushes of air called microbursts that spread out along the ground and spread dense blowing dust called “haboobs.”

Haboobs (also called dust storms) are unexpected, unpredictable and can sweep across Arizona's desert landscape at any time. You can endure these brief but powerful windstorms if you know how to react.

If a Region has a frequency of dust storms, a safety policy should be posted on the Region’s website similar to that discussed for Thunderstorms.

(a)    Many smartphone have alerts that notifies individuals of this occurance.

(b)    When dust storms are seen within striking distance. – seek shelter immediately. Do not wait for high winds before you start seeking shelter, and do not leave shelter just because the severe weather has passed.



Soccer in Southern Arizona is sometimes played under extreme heat conditions.  Coaches, Referees, and Parents should be aware of signs of trouble when players are not properly hydrated under these conditions. When temperatures and humidity rise above normal levels, the potential for risk arises. Be aware of these dangers and be prepared to stop or delay games (or practices) to ensure proper hydration. The proper and continued hydration of players and volunteers is essential starting at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled event. Sunscreen of appropriate strength should be applied frequently.

(a)    If the temperature is expected to be or reaches over 108 degrees or the WBGT(wet bulb globe thermometer) shows a heat reading of 92.0 or higher matches and training may be canceled.

(b)    If the temperature is expected to be or reaches over 105 degrees or the WBGT(wet bulb globe thermometer) shows a heat reading of 86.2 or higher matches and training may be adjusted to allow for more hydration and rest.

Other Emergency Planning 

Wild fires, earthquakes, tornados, and chemical disasters occur without warning. Having a safety plan in place for these variables and the ability to obtain air quality advisement reports is highly advisable. Good judgment is very important. When there is doubt, always err on the side of caution

COVID - 19 Guidelines

Welcome to AYSO 922 in Oro Valley!  Thank you for joining us. We are excited to see you and your players out at the fields, as we have fun and play soccer!

As a reminder, we would like to go over the recommendations for all participants pertaining to Covid and the safety of the players, coaches, and families.

Parents and Spectators:

-Stay home if you are experiencing signs or symptoms of being sick. If you are high risk consider not attending or taking further precautions.

- Please symptom check your player before arriving at the field.


-Please communicate to your coach if you start feeling sick at any time.

- Do Not attend practice or game if you are sick.

-Please bring your own water bottle, ball, and hand sanitizer to the field each practice/game.

- Please do not share any of your personal belongings (water bottle, ball, bags, , etc. with any other person outside of your family).

- Please be aware of your designated "spot" for your belongings and breaks.


- Please encourage physical distancing during warm up, drills, and breaks.

- Please assign players designated "spots" using cones for their belongings and breaks.

Thank you for adhering to these recommendations. With your help we look forward to being able to continue holding practices and games. As we continue through the pandemic, the choices we make now will impact us tomorrow. Please be kind and respectful to one another and soon we will be playing our Fall Season.

Thank you for your support and for joining us during this time.

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AYSO Region 922 Oro Valley

Oro Valley, Arizona 85737

Email Us: [email protected]
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