Welcome Sponsors!!
We average 500 kids during our Fall Soccer
We average 200 kids during the Spring Soccer season
Thank you for helping support soccer in Oro Valley with AYSO Region 922.
We need & appreciate our Sponsors! Please donate today! Our major sponsors help fund a lot of AYSO Region 922's field fees, soccer goals, cones, balls, etc. as well as keep registration fees low. They also help offset registration fees for kids who would have not been able to play without a sponsor.
Help ensure every child has the opportunity to play AYSO soccer by donating today. Studies have shown that children benefit physically and behaviorally by playing youth sports. A child that is physically active at a young age is more likely to continue being active into adulthood. Sports help build self-esteem, teamwork, confidence, self-discipline, leadership opportunities, self-worth, time management... in short, sports help build tomorrow's leaders. AYSO... it's the start of something special.
I'm ready to sponsor, where do I send a check?
Thank you so much!!
Please make check payable to: AYSO Region 922
Please contact the AYSO Treasurer [email protected]
We'll schedule to come to you to thank you personally and pick up you sponsor check.
I need a tax receipt, W-9 or invoice to turn in for my donation, who do I contact?
Please email our Treasurer: [email protected]
We are a 501c3 organization (AYSO Tax ID)
Thank you for your generous sponsorship of our community's youth!!